remote job vacancies with no experience or fresh graduates

                       remote job vacancies with no experience or fresh graduates

remote job vacancies with no experience or fresh graduates

remote job is work that is done remotely that can be done from anywhere or is called remote worker/remote working

remote job duties cover various fields ranging from design, programmers, SEO services, data entry, sales, marketing, ebook keeper, virtual assistant, and many more.

foreign languages ​​such as English for example an international language because to communicate with clients from all over the world

and proficient in running computers and software such as Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Power Power, and databases. the question is whether you can get a job but don't have work experience, the answer is perfect, everyone starts a career

from beginners, as long as you are passionate about trying, before you apply for a job, prepare the procedure for your personal data such as a CV or resume

which attracts HRD and portfolio attention if you don't have a portfolio to do it immediately while waiting for work, such as helping with work

friends help make wedding designs, or photo shoot sessions, thank you, it's very tiring but you get it

experience to be used as a portfolio to apply for jobs in the future, here are jobs to apply for jobs that do not have experience or have just graduated

.1.virtual assistant/personal assistant.

a company is very interested in this service to help the company, its duties are to send emails, arrange agendas, create databases, get used to it

think critically, can make decisions, receive calls from clients, record financial data, and so on.

2. Social media specialist.

this job is very easy and easy all you need to do is be patient, observe what is trending on social media, and be creative in making

content, mastering technology, capable of editing videos for production, understanding analysis, researching products that are currently busy on social media

make a report.

3. bookkeeper.

This professional task needs to be considered carefully because it includes tasks such as making financial reports, creating databases, inputting data

and others.4. insurance agent.

if you are good at talking and maybe friends with you are suitable for this profession, you are marketing company products to customers

to transact, good at communicating orally and in writing, even with a reward but if you get a lot of clients

then you will get high wages, this type of work is indeed dangerous because you are dealing directly with many people, because of your attitude

Different people are different, so you keep your quality and continue to learn to upgrade your self-development so that you continue to gain broad insight.

5, data entry.

This job is very easy for you to fill out the form given by the client, what you need to pay attention to is to carefully do the task

have a stable internet connection and leak monitor longer.

6. sales.

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if you are good at selling you are suitable for this profession, market the company's products, achieve sales targets, communicate well

serve customers and provide product education, introduce products, make products planning materials and others. the advantage of remote work is that it is efficient, you no longer need to go to the office, just do it from home, so you don't need to

spend money on flexible transportation time if you are good at time management. free to work anywhere.

the drawback, is you may be lonely with this job because it is online, different worker face to face, work

this is suitable for people who like to be alone.


whose name is a job, there is no instant, just enjoy the process, indeed getting a job online is difficult and easy, the most important thing is

keep trying not to give up have high motivation and enthusiasm to find work, and keep learning to add knowledge

the more knowledge, the easier it is to get a job, if there are shortcomings, I apologize, thank you for visiting my simple blog.

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